[Elist] Donation drive for fallen rider

John Del Santo mcbwaycool at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 3 18:50:16 PDT 2011

From: Mary Beitler <foruiggie at yahoo.com>
Subject: Donation drive for fallen rider
To: "John Del Santo" <mcbwaycool at yahoo.com>, steve.barron at yahoo.com
Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2011, 5:05 PM

Attached please find the flyer for a BBQ for Erin ("Polar Bear") Laird who is recovering from serious injuries suffered in a motorcycle accident.  On Saturday, July 2nd on the 15 north, the driver of a van fell asleep at the wheel cutting across 3 lanes. hitting her.  She was leading 5 other women on a ride. Two of the riders with her were nurses.  She is alive today only because of them.  Erin has had numerous surgeries and 34 blood transfusions.  Response for blood donations were overwhelming and now we need donations for her long rehab.  We would love it if your club could participate in the Ride and/or BBQ.  Ride starts in San Diego at Big City Bagels,  1010 University ave,    Ends at North County House of Motorcycles,  1725 Hacienda Drive,  Vista, CA 92031   Foods on at noon.  Thanks and hope to see you there ! 


(Mary) "Emily" Beitler
Maintenance Secretary
MLS P&DC San Diego CA
(858) 674-0120
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