[Elist] A common mistake...Be ready for it.

John Del Santo mcbwaycool at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 12 13:17:46 PDT 2011

It is such a common mistake for car drivers to start a left turn, and then stop !  because they see a pedestrian, bicycle, or high curb that they did not notice when preparing for their left-turn. 
This is such a common mistake....you see it every day....Be ready for it !   Don't assume that the left-turner is going to do the right thing.  This motorcyclist did not hit the car making the left, but instead hit the car that stopped trying to avoid the left-turner.  A 2 - 3 second following distance would probably have helped avoid this tragedy. 
  One of the motorcyclists injured in a multivehicle pileup in Poway Sunday afternoon has died from his injuries. 
The rider, 56, of San Diego was riding his Harley-Davidson on state Route 67 near Scripps Poway Parkway about 3 p.m. when a Dodge Durango tried to take a left but stopped in the middle of the road to avoid hitting a bicyclist, California Highway Patrol Officer Brian Pennings said. 
The driver of a white Scion braked hard to avoid hitting the Durango and the rider locked up his rear brakes in trying to stop, Pennings said. 
Livingston hit the back of the car and was thrown over it and into the back of an SUV. 
The rider was airlifted to a hospital and, despite aggressive efforts to resuscitate him, was pronounced dead about 90 minutes after arriving, the Medical Examiner’s office said. 
One other motorcyclists was seriously hurt in the crash, officials did not release the driver's name or condition. 

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