[Elist] Fw: Motorcycle ONE images

John Del Santo mcbwaycool at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 28 17:13:41 PDT 2011

Here are pictures of the "Be Aware of Motorcycle" signs that are being put in place by Allstate's "Once is Never Enough" (ONE) program.  

John Del Santo
(619) 223 - 0421

  Benjamin Franklin

--- On Thu, 7/28/11, Klapthor, Jim <Jim.Klapthor at allstate.com> wrote:

From: Klapthor, Jim <Jim.Klapthor at allstate.com>
Subject: Motorcycle ONE images
To: mcbwaycool at yahoo.com
Date: Thursday, July 28, 2011, 3:52 PM

John; <<ONE Sign.jpg>> <<LOOK Sign.pdf>> 
<<IMG_3964.jpg>> <<IMG_3968.jpg>> 
That image online is not copy-able as it’s combined with the background image of the entire Web page
Attached are hi-rez images of the signs themselves, plus images of Allstate agent Robert Feldman, of Glendale, and ABC-TV Ch. 7 Los Angeles cameraman videotaping the signs installed in Glendale.

Jim Klapthor
Sr. External Communications Consultant
Corporate Relations 
Allstate Insurance Company
21950 Copley Dr., #150
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 612-6644 ph
(909) 839-3360 cell
(909) 612-2890 fax
Jim.Klapthor at allstate.com
Follow on twitter @AllstateinCA

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