[ABATE Local 6 Elist] ABATE LOCAL 6 MEETING - Sunday, October 6, 2013

Nancy Nemecek nemecek at san.rr.com
Tue Oct 1 16:11:53 PDT 2013



WHEN:                       Sunday, October 6, 2013                TIME:
12:00 noon

WHERE:                     Kate Sessions Park - Pacific Beach


I must apologize for last month's slip up.  Neither Snowman nor I noticed
that the meeting was actually on September 1st . he was at Fort Bragg and I
was at the NCOM Meeting / Ignacio Bike Week in Durango.  Mia Culpa . old age
I guess!


Here's some of the subjects that will be covered this month by Snowman and

*	General Business

*         Treasury Report

*	Membership
*	Legislative and Judicial Updates

*         Phone Tree and E-Mail Alerts

*         Merchandise

*         Safety Report

*	Runs and Events 

*         Political / PAC / Judicial 

*         Webmaster    Check out our webpage:   <http://www.abatelocal6.org>

*         Old Business 

*         New Business


I will not be at the meeting.will be in Las Vegas.


Some up-coming events to consider:

*         Saddletramps MC Biketober Fest 2013 - October 4-6 - Ma-Tar-Awa RV
Camper Park at Viejas.

*         Local 11 Meeting - October 13 - Escondido American Legion Hall,
Post 149, 230 East Park Avenue, Escondido, 11:00 a.m. 

*         Graveyard Gamblers Party - October 19 - Flinn Springs Inn starting
at 11 a.m.  Come party with the ladies . and there are Ducks again!  Have
questions, call Nancy at 858-569-7370.  

*         To Thine Own Shoes, Be True - Deadline October 27.  Please look at
the flyer pasted at the end of this email.  Fran is asking for help on this
project.  Please do what you can do to help.thanks.

*         San Diego Toy Run - December 1 - Same as last year . flyers
available soon.

*         VA Annual Hospital Visit - December 8 at noon 


ALERT:  Some of you may have heard that there has been tickets given in
Oceanside for illegal helmets by Officer Moran over the past couple of
months.  Terry Jacobs, president of the Graveyard Gamblers and Unit
Commander of the US Defenders San Diego, has been working with Mark Temple
from Bolt on the legal process needed for these tickets.  Terry has the
Oceanside PD papers many times now with three more on Friday and one this
morning.  IF you have received a helmet ticket in Oceanside, please email me
at nemecek at san.rr.com so we can get you information on how to fight the


Don't forget the Final Option continues to have a breakfast at Sweetwater
Harley just before our meeting each month.  Howie has invited everyone down
to have breakfast first and then ride up to Kate Sessions for our meeting.  

Another important reminder.please remember to let us know if you change
membership information . address, telephone, email, etc.  Send the updates
to  <mailto:nemecek at san.rr.com> nemecek at san.rr.com.  Thanks.

Nancy Nemecek

Vice President - Local 6

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