[ABATE Local 6 Elist] ABATE LOCAL 6 MEETING - Sunday, January 5, 2014

Nancy Nemecek nemecek at san.rr.com
Wed Jan 1 15:15:12 PST 2014


G3HesJ8zoi55se1n7FRTTksBCu6wxzS8ME4B   MEETING NOTICE


WHEN:                       Sunday, January 5, 2014                TIME:
12:00 noon

WHERE:                     Kate Sessions Park - Pacific Beach



Please join us at Kate Sessions Park this Sunday.  We're starting a new year
and need to review 2013 and start some plans for 2014.  Unfortunately, I
won't be able to make the meeting due to a prior commitment, but Snowman
will be there along with other officers.


Here's some of the subjects that will be covered this month by Snowman and

*	General Business

*         Treasury Report

*	Membership
*	Legislative and Judicial Updates

*         Phone Tree and E-Mail Alerts

*         Merchandise

*         Safety Report

*	Runs and Events 

*         Political / PAC / Judicial 

*         Webmaster    Check out our webpage:   <http://www.abatelocal6.org>

*         Old Business 

*         New Business 

1.    Bylaw Changes - Voting (see below)  

2.    Elections of Officers


BYLAW CHANGES - VOTING.  This is very, very important.  As I've been
reporting, the Bylaws Committee did a comprehensive review the last quarter
of 2013 and made recommendations to the Board of Directors.  The approved
proposed revision now needs a vote by the ABATE membership.  I have attached
the Bylaws with the proposed changes highlighted.  Also attached is a memo
from the committee which contains the ballot.  The information is also
contained in the current Bailing Wire.  There are 15 items for
consideration.  Several items are concerned with a change of title and job
description for three positions:  Regional Representative, Legislative
Director, and Judicial Information Officer.  The Bylaws are only 4 pages
long, and all of the changes are in red with the existing information shown
as "strikeout" followed by the proposed change.  Please complete the ballot
and MAIL it to the State Office.  Ballots must be postmarked by January 27,


UPCOMING EVENTS.  Some up-coming events to consider:

*         Motorcycle Rider Unification Rally - January 11 - Sacramento

*         ABATE Board of Directors Meeting - January 12 - Sacramento

*         Local 11 Meeting - January 12 - Escondido American Legion Hall,
Post 149, 230 East Park Avenue, Escondido, 11:00 a.m. 


Don't forget the Final Option continues to have a breakfast at Sweetwater
Harley just before our meeting each month.  Howie has invited everyone down
to have breakfast first and then ride up to Kate Sessions for our meeting.  

Another important reminder.please remember to let us know if you change
membership information . address, telephone, email, etc.  Send the updates
to  <mailto:nemecek at san.rr.com> nemecek at san.rr.com.  Thanks.

CONGRATULATIONS TO Mark "Dogman" Castillero, member of ABATE Local 11, who
is now a member of the ABATE of California Board of Directors!

Nancy Nemecek

Vice President - Local 6

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