[ABATE Local 6 Elist] FW: CALL TO ACTION! GREAT NEWS! 05 23 2014

Nancy Nemecek nemecek at san.rr.com
Fri May 23 16:40:17 PDT 2014

I don’t know how many of you are on the ABATE State Discussion List, but if you are not, please read Nick’s important message below.  He’s asking everyone to print a petition and have 10 people sign it.  Pretty easy to do.  You can either scan/email, fax, or mail to him.  Also, our meeting is a week from Sunday and you could bring them with you and I’ll make sure Nick gets the copies.  


This is mostly an off-road issue BUT it also affects us because it will repeal part of a helmet use requirement by California and can be beneficial when we introduce our next Helmet Modification Legislation.  ABATE has an off-road division and we try to support their issues just as we’d like them to support the street bike side.


If you’d like to read the bill, here’s a link:  http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/13-14/bill/asm/ab_1801-1850/ab_1835_bill_20140218_introduced.pdf     

To keep track of the bill, this link will help:  http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/postquery I think.


This won’t take much of your time, and is a step forward in the fight!  Please do your part.




From: news at abate.org [mailto:news at abate.org] On Behalf Of ABATE News
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 4:11 PM
To: ABATE News
Subject: CALL TO ACTION! GREAT NEWS! 05 23 2014


local 23


May 23, 2014


Hello ABATE member!

Great news folks!  Assemblymember Kristin Olsen’s staff just informed me that her AB 1835 made it out of the full Assembly Floor today on a vote of 44 – 23!  AB 1835 repeals the mandatory usage of helmets by adults in Side X Sides.  This is awesome news for freedom lovers!  The bill will now advance to the Senate Transportation Committee in a couple of weeks.    I will ride to Sacramento for that hearing as I did the Assembly Transportation hearing and would love for any of you to join me.  I will let you know the date.

But what we need right now is for each of you to print out at least one of the attached petitions and have just ten people including yourself fill it out and sign it and send it back to me.  If each one of you do that, we will have over 10,000 signatures to take to the capitol in a couple of weeks!  We only have a couple of weeks, so I am hoping that each of you will complete at least one petition (more if you would like) and send it back to me via email nick at abate.org OR fax 760.253.4642 OR snail mail Nick Benson Sr, 25434 West Main Street, Barstow, CA  92311.

Remember, just ten signatures from each of you could make or break the next vote!  Please get them done now!

Please do NOT respond directly to this email, it is NOT monitored for incoming messages.  Please DO contact us at nick at abate.org or carol at abate.org for questions or information.


Thank you for being an ABATE member!

Nick Benson Sr

Board Member & Secretary


ABATE of California, INC

10240 7th AVENUE

HESPERIA, CA  92345-2631

Phone: 760.956.1669 / Fax 760.956.6519





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