[ABATE Local 6 Elist] ABATE Local 6 May Motorcycle Awareness Party -- SAVE THE DATE and HELP NEEDED

Nancy Nemecek nemecek at san.rr.com
Fri Mar 18 19:34:48 PDT 2016

                         SAVE THE DATE AND HELP NEEDED!



DATE:       Saturday, May 14, 2016

TIME:        To be determined

WHERE:   The Flinn in El Cajon

WHAT:     ABATE Local 6 May Motorcycle Awareness Party


Joe, Moe, Adam and others have worked hard getting the ball rolling on this,
but they should not and cannot do it alone.  At the next ABATE meeting on
April 3rd, we will be forming a working committee to hammer out the details.
Then we will need members to volunteer to help the day of the event.  This
is an opportunity to introduce or reintroduce the bike community to ABATE of
California and we really need your help to make it happen.  PLEASE STEP UP


The Sunday after the meeting (April 10), Moe has put together a Spaghetti
dinner at the American Legion off of Convoy.  I'm sure she could use a
little help with this, too.  Ask her!   Flyers are available for the dinner.
Bring yourself, bring your family, bring your friends . hey bring the person
standing on the corner.  It's just $10 and includes a ticket for the
Truckload of Party Goods Raffle.


Speaking of the Truckload of Party Raffle . have you bought some tickets
and/or sold some tickets.  Hey, it's $5.00 a ticket with really great odds
and the prizes are fabulous.  Ask about getting tickets to buy or sell.


ABATE MEETING:  Sunday, April 3, 2016       12 noon        Kate Session Park


Please consider this your Meeting Notice for April.  I am leaving for China
on March 22 and will return April 2 (day before the meeting), and I won't be
able to send the usual reminder.  I should be able to make the meeting but I
may look and act like a zombie!


Please contact one of us if you have any questions.  Come to the meeting
please and bring your thoughts and ideas with you!



Vice President

ABATE Local 6


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