[ABATE Local 6 Elist] Motorcyclist Anti-Profiling CALL TO ACTION!

Nancy Nemecek nemecek at san.rr.com
Mon Feb 26 17:02:06 PST 2018

This might be a duplicate if you belong to a Confederation of Clubs, but all
motorcycle riders should help!  Please read . thank you!  



California Motorcyclist Anti-Profiling Coalition




February 26, 2018



Hello everyone!


As of last week, we now have a Motorcycling Anti-Profiling bill courtesy of
Assemblymember Anna Caballero!  The bill number is AB-2972, and prohibits
law enforcement from engaging in motorcycle profiling.


What we need now from everyone is for you to contact your Assemblymember and
ask them to support this bill.  We need as many motorcyclists as possible to
contact their Assemblymember as soon as possible!


A complete set of instructions and all of the talking points is attached.
The attachment makes it very simple for you to help.  Please open the
attachment, read it thoroughly, and follow the instructions to contact your
legislator.  That is all there is to it.  But then please share this email
and attachment with everyone you know.


IMPORTANT: If you hear back from your Assembly member - good or bad - please
let us know at antiprofilingbill at abate.org
<mailto:antiprofilingbill at abate.org> .


If you have any problems or questions, please contact us at
antiprofilingbill at abate.org <mailto:antiprofilingbill at abate.org>  and
somebody will get back to you within 24 hours.


Thank you for your help,


Nancy "Buzzz' Nemecek


California Motorcyclist Anti-Profiling Committee

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