[ABATE Local 6 Elist] 2019 JAN / FEB BAILING WIRE

Nancy Nemecek nemecek at san.rr.com
Tue Jan 29 12:06:00 PST 2019

In case you didn't receive it, this month's Bailing Wire is electronic!


January 28, 2019


Hello ABATE member!


Here is your online edition of the Jan / Feb 2019 Bailing Wire.   Due to a
technical difficulty, printed copies of this Bailing Wire will be delayed by
a few days.    Thank you in advance for your patience.


Please do NOT respond directly to this email, it is NOT monitored for
incoming messages.  Please DO contact us at janet at abate.org
<mailto:janet at abate.org>   or nick.benson at abate.org
<mailto:nick.benson at abate.org>  for questions or information.


Thank you for being an ABATE member!

Nick Benson Sr

Assistant Legislative Director


ABATE of California, INC


APPLE VALLEY, CA  92307-9223

Phone: 760.956.1669 / Fax 760.956.6519



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