[ABATE Local 6 Elist] ABATE Local 6 Fundraiser - February 23, 2013 - American Legion Post 460 - 5-10 p.m.

Nancy Nemecek nemecek at san.rr.com
Thu Feb 7 17:19:20 PST 2013

Please come out to support ABATE Local 6 and enjoy good food, music, and
best of all fun.  Feel free to bring the family, your friends . hey, grab
people off the street if you can.  If you have any questions, please feel
free to contact me at 858-569-7370.  Did you mark your calendar yet?  Please
do and come out to support Local 6.


Thank you Mo for putting this together.


And don't forget to mark your calendar, too, for May 5th for our Motorcycle
Awareness Party at the Flinn.  Monica has been working very hard on this
party.  More on it very soon . watch for an upcoming email blast for
details.  Flyers will be available soon, too.  Oh, and we need raffle prizes
for this party.  If you have anything you can donate or a place you can ask
for a donation, please help Local 6 by giving or getting a donation.  Thanks
very much.







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