[ABATE Local 6 Elist] ABATE Local 6 Meeting - December 6, 2015 ***AND CHRISTMAS WITH KIDS***

Nancy Nemecek nemecek at san.rr.com
Thu Dec 3 18:30:30 PST 2015






WHEN:      Sunday, December 6, 2015        TIME:  12:00 noon    

WHERE:    Kate Sessions Park - Pacific Beach



This is the last meeting of 2015 so please come out and hear the latest
about Motorcycle Rights! 


Also, Snowman is still asking for donations to help with the Christmas With
Kids . please bring a toy or donate bucks to help pay for the bicycles.
Already donated or given a toy?  Thank you!  Can you dig a little deeper in
your pockets or someone else's . oh that would be fantastic.  Let's talk at
the meeting about ABATE Local 6 giving a donation to the cause.  


Have you bought your "Truck Load of Party Goods Raffle tickets yet?  This is
an ABATE Local 6 fundraiser, and the first prize is a $200 gift card PLUS a
truck load of party goods for a huge party (lots of food, drinks,
snacks.amazing).  This is a really cool raffle and we have tickets available
for you to buy AND sell.  The drawing will be held in May. 


For the meeting, here's our standard subjects that will be covered this

.         General Business

.         Treasury Report

*	Membership
*	Legislative and Judicial Updates

.         Phone Tree and E-Mail Alerts

.         Merchandise

.         Safety Report

*	Runs and Events 

.         Political / PAC / Judicial 

.         Webmaster    

.         Old Business 

.         New Business  


BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING.  As reported before, the last meeting was
cancelled.  Adam reported the Board Members have been talking on the phone,
etc. and will meet in January.


WEBPAGE AND FACEBOOK REMINDER.  Don't forget to check out our ABATE Local 6
webpage and Facebook page periodically.  Joe does a great job of keeping
things up to date.  Also if you have something to add, just get in touch
with Joe for the webpage and/or go to the Facebook page and add your
comments.  Here's some links to our stuff:

Facebook page:           <https://www.facebook.com/abatelocal6?fref=ts>

Webpage:                    <http://www.abatelocal6.org/index.html>


RUNS AND EVENTS.  Here's what's happening in November and December:


.         Frank King's Christmas with Kids - December 5 - Final Option MC -
Sweetwater Harley 10:00 a.m.  See flyer below.

.         ABATE Local 11 Meeting - December 13 - Escondido Moose Lodge,
25721 Jesmond Dene Road, Escondido - 11 a.m.

.         VA Hospital Visit - December 13 - Save the date -- Veteran's
Hospital...details to come 


As always the Final Option has a breakfast at Sweetwater Harley just before
our meeting this month.  Howie invites everyone down to have breakfast first
and then ride up to Kate Sessions for our meeting.  

Don't forget, if you have any subjects or topics you'd like discussed,
please email me at  <mailto:nemecek at san.rr.com> nemecek at san.rr.com and let
me know what you'd like covered.  We'll do our best. 


Another important reminder.please remember to let us know if you change
membership information . address, telephone, email, etc.  Send the updates
also to  <mailto:nemecek at san.rr.com> nemecek at san.rr.com.


Nancy Nemecek

Vice President - Local 6

Email -  <mailto:nemecek at san.rr.com> nemecek at san.rr.com


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