[ABATE Local 6 Elist] ABATE Local 6 Meeting - March 5, 2017
Nancy Nemecek
nemecek at san.rr.com
Thu Mar 2 12:16:22 PST 2017
WHEN: Sunday, March 5, 2017 TIME: 12:00 noon
WHERE: Kate Sessions Park - Pacific Beach
IMPORTANT. Unless you've been hiding somewhere, most of you know that there
was a terrible fire at the Boozefighters MC clubhouse last month.major loss!
The bike community has come together to help them with rebuilding bucks and
support. They lost a lot of memorabilia that can't be replaced really, but
they can put things back to a great gathering place. The memories will
remain forever.
So all that being said, as you can see, two of the events for the
Boozefighters MC are this Sunday and one on March 26th. Here's the plan for
this Sunday, March 5th . please come to what you can:
* Final Option MC Fire Recovery Breakfast - Sweetwater HD - 8:00
a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (Upstairs)
* ABATE Local 6 Meeting - Kate Sessions Park -- noon (short meeting .
keep to less than 1 hour)
* Messengers MC/Obsidian MC Rise from the Ashes Benefit - San Diego
HD (Kearny Villa) - 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The Rise from the Ashes event will have music by The Sickstring Outlaws and
food by 5 Loaves 2 Fishes. There will be a 50-50 PLUS a raffle. If you have
anything that you can bring to donate as a raffle prize, that would really
be appreciated.
For the meeting, we'll do a short version of some of these standard
* General Business
* Treasury Report
* Membership
* Legislative and Judicial Updates
* Phone Tree and E-Mail Alerts
* Merchandise
* Safety Report
* Runs and Events
* Political / PAC / Judicial / Legislative
* Webmaster
* Old Business
* New Business
RUNS AND EVENTS. Be sure to check the Bailing Wire for ABATE events.
Here's a couple to put on your calendar:
* ABATE Local 11 Meeting - March 12 - Escondido Moose Lodge, 25721
Jesmond Dene Road, Escondido - 11 a.m. They have seats and you can come
early and have breakfast, too.
* ABATE Local 11 and Mooseriders Fundraiser - Saturday, March 25
(location same as meeting above) - come support ABATE Local 11.
Reminder: Joe Tatro and Chop will be splitting the webmaster job with Joe
handling Facebook and Chop the webpage. Please contact us if you any
questions, suggestions, etc. Here's the links:
* Webpage: http://abatelocal6.org/
* Facebook page:
<https://www.facebook.com/abatelocal6/?fref=ts&ref=br_tf> &ref=br_tf
For future meetings, if you have any subjects or topics you'd like
discussed, please email me at <mailto:nemecek at san.rr.com>
nemecek at san.rr.com and let me know what you'd like covered. We'll do our
best. Also, please remember to let us know if you change membership
information--address, telephone, email, etc. Send updates also to
<mailto:nemecek at san.rr.com> nemecek at san.rr.com.
Nancy Nemecek
Vice President - Local 6
Email - <mailto:nemecek at san.rr.com> nemecek at san.rr.com
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