[ABATE Local 6 Elist] ABATE Local 6 Meeting - April 2, 2017

Nancy Nemecek nemecek at san.rr.com
Wed Mar 29 17:20:25 PDT 2017




WHEN:      Sunday, April 2, 2017               TIME:  12:00 noon    

WHERE:    Kate Sessions Park - Pacific Beach



Well last month there was a bit of a miscommunication about the meeting.  To
start off the day, there was a great turnout for the Final Options Fire
Recovery Breakfast at Sweetwater.  Thank you Final Option MC.  Then some of
us rode up to Kate Sessions for the meeting, and were told we were going to
have a short meeting at San Diego Harley instead.  So we hopped on our bikes
and headed out.  Bottom line, we ended up with not having a meeting
anywhere.the bad news!  The good news is there was a really great turnout
for the Rise from the Ashes Benefit for the Boozefighters.  Thanks goes to
the Messengers MC and Obsidian MC for putting on the benefit party.


The Boozefighters were very, very appreciative to everyone who came to the
events.  Besides cash and other donations, they were presented with some
"replacement" items that were destroyed in the fire.  Very nice!


For the meeting this Sunday, we'll cover some of our standard subjects plus
whatever else anyone would like to discuss:

*	General Business

*	Treasury Report
*	Membership
*	Legislative and Judicial Updates
*	Phone Tree and E-Mail Alerts
*	Merchandise
*	Safety Report
*	Runs and Events 
*	Political / PAC / Judicial / Legislative   
*	Webmaster    
*	Old Business 
*	New Business  


RUNS AND EVENTS.  Be sure to check the Bailing Wire for ABATE events.
Here's a couple to put on your calendar:


*	Final Option Breakfast - April 2 - Sweetwater HD - 8:00 a.m. to 11
a.m. - Upstairs.  Plenty of time to ride to Sweetwater, have a good
breakfast, and then head up to Kate Sessions!

*	ABATE Local 11 Meeting - April 9  - Escondido Moose Lodge, 25721
Jesmond Dene Road, Escondido - 11 a.m.  They have seats and you can come
early and have breakfast, too. 
Piccadilly Inn Airport, 5115 East McKinley Ave., Fresno 93727.  You can call
the hotel at 559-375-7760 to make room reservations ($95.59 a night includes
room, tax, and breakfast).

Reminder one more time:  Joe Tatro and Chop will be splitting the webmaster
job with Joe handling Facebook and Chop the webpage.  Please contact us if
you any questions, suggestions, etc.  Here's the links:

*	Webpage:                    http://abatelocal6.org/   
*	Facebook page:
<https://www.facebook.com/abatelocal6/?fref=ts&ref=br_tf> &ref=br_tf 


And in case you haven't checked out the new and improved ABATE of California
website, here's the link:  http://www.abate.org/  Lots of new information.


For future meetings, if you have any subjects or topics you'd like
discussed, please email me at  <mailto:nemecek at san.rr.com>
nemecek at san.rr.com and let me know what you'd like covered.  We'll do our
best.  Also, please remember to let us know if you change membership
information--address, telephone, email, etc.  Send updates also to
<mailto:nemecek at san.rr.com> nemecek at san.rr.com.


Nancy Nemecek

Vice President - Local 6

Email -  <mailto:nemecek at san.rr.com> nemecek at san.rr.com



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