![]() Click Here for an ABATE of California Membership Application! Click Here to Join our Confidential Mailing List
Note: Since the passing of John Del Santo, who was the primary content provider for the website, this page has not been updated. As soon as we find another officer to provide updated info, we will begin updating this section again. Look for an announcement on the home page. Sorry for any inconvenience & thank you for your patience. The Website Admininstrator ABATE LOCAL 6 REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2011 It was another great day for a meeting overlooking beautiful Mission Bay in San Diego. There was a good turnout, including a bunch of riders from American Legion Riders Post 460. One of the members with them had just returned from Afghanistan this week. Welcome Home ! Travis Barrick who is the Lawyer/Rider handling the "Repeal it or Feel it" lawsuit in Nevada gave us an update. This lawsuit will affect our California laws if they win it. We passed the hat and collected `$150. as a Local 6 contribution for the legal fund. John gave a Judicial and Legislative report including AB 695, our helmet modification bill, and passed out Support forms so that each member can get a bunch of signatures on them. Our PAC Rep Douglas Findlay (The Repeal Machine.com) discussed the elections coming up in the Bay Area, and in San Diego. and spoke of the need for campaign volunteers (Have you seen the video ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTQBBEDgURk ). In the Local 6 "Vote with your Feet" project, Keith and Fran and other members have been putting in time helping our local candidates. Long-time friend Congressman Bob Filner who is running for Mayor of San Diego will be attending our meeting in the near future. Denise Ducheny, a Local 6 Member is running for Congress, and I am sure she will be stopping by. On Sunday November 6 there will be a memorial ride for Barry & Carol Sandberg, Local 6 members who were taken from us two years ago. The ride starts at 1PM at Mount Soledad, and ends at American Legion Post 460 where a lunch will be prepared for the first 100 people to attend. The lunch has been paid for by friends of Barry & Carol. Local 6 Riders will be meeting the run at Mount Soledad immediately following the Local 6 monthly meeting. Patty Wilber covered upcoming events, Doc Robinson discussed current membership and renewed three members, Steven R. Anderson has been busy distributing flyers all over the County, John did his safety report, Our Sign Language Interpreters Fran and Amy had flying fingers and busy hands and Michael Decker gave his Treasurer's report (We have a new bank account). Snowman's Annual Ride to visit the Vets in the VA Hospital is coming up soon, and Jim Brown made a FAT monetary contribution in the name of Local 6, to buy presents for the Vets. So, Hey ! Check out Joe Tatro's Great Local 6 Website at http://abatelocal6.org/ , and stop by for a visit on the first Sunday of each month at Noon, at Kate Session's Park in Pacific Beach here in Sunny San Diego ! C'mon Down ! The
ABATE LOCAL 6 Report for September 2011
We had a pretty good showing for the Labor Day Weekend, with a lot of good comments and good questions. President Steve Martin ran a good and interesting meeting. We discussed current political happenings and a report from our Treasurer Mike Decker. He and Secretary Patty Wilber are still trying to get us established with a new bank account. On Sunday November 6 there will be a memorial ride for Barry & Carol Sandberg, Local 6 members who were taken from us two years ago. The ride starts at 1PM a couple of blocks from here at Mount Soledad, and ends at American Legion Post 460 where a lunch will be prepared for the first 100 people to attend. The lunch has been paid for by friends of Barry & Carol. On that same day, we will have an ABATE local 6 monthly meeting, which will start at Noon sharp, and will end at 12:45 sharp, so that anyone who wants to go up to Mount Soledad and join the ride, may do so. Anyones option may also include leaving the local 6 meeting and going directly to the American Legion Posts 460 where lunch will start at 2 PM. PAC Rep Douglas Findlay gave a good report on what's coming up in the politician field, and stressed the point that we need to get out and DO something for these Pols to get them on our side. Toni Atkins will be running some programs this weekend in her race for State Assembly, and our member Keith Lim has already signed on to volunteer. Toni Atkins is on our side since we helped her during the last election. Fran Del Santo attended the CMSP Advisory Board meeting in Sacramento a few weeks ago, and gave us a report on that. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation set a new record this week, when they graduated their Six Millionth motorcycle student in their worldwide Rider Course. Quite a few ABATE members are also MSF Rider Coaches, and the MSF is a business member of ABATE of California. John Del Santo did a safety report titled "Meaner Than Snakes, on the drivers that we share today's highways with. Have you seen our Local 6 Website ? http://abatelocal6.org Our Webmaster Joe Tatro has done a Dynamite job with it ! He has also instituted the Local 6 Facebook Page. Check it out ! Misuse
of Federal Grant Money
NHTSA gives grants of
money to the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) to use for
motorcycle safety. OTS gives grants of this money to local police
departments with the instruction to use it in areas where there
have been more than usual motorcyclist injuries or deaths. The money
is supposed to used to ticket traffic violations by ANY VEHICLE,
including cars and trucks, that could result in collisions with
motorcycles. This is supposed to be done by normal patrol
checkpoints. Quite often the police send press releases
to the local newspapers, who then print headlines about police
to ticket motorcycles Whenever this comes to my attention,
I send a copy of the news release to the OTS to let them know how
their money or information is being mistaken or misused. LOCAL 6 JULY 2011 REPORT The July meeting of Local 6 went off well, being that it was on July 3rd, the fireworks had not started yet, and it was a small, but good, meeting. Many of our regulars were out of town...Wandering, Hollister, Traveling, Visiting, or just Riding.....They were here in Spirit though. We covered the latest political goings-on, discussed upcoming events including the Golden State Rendezvous, 'Wolf' from the BoozeFighters MC won the 50/50 and donated his winnings back into the local 6 treasurery.....Thanks for that ! Have you checked out our Website ? Wow ! what a wealth of information ! http://abatelocal6.org/ . For many years now we have held a business meeeting in the week before our regular monthly meeeting to discuss stuff....We have decided to not do that anymore....choosing to do it by e-mail and phone. Our regular meetilng is on the first Sunday of each month, at Noon, at Kate Sessions Park in Pacific Beach...San Diego. C'mon Down ! Bring a Friend, Bring Two ! We'll see you next month. SUNDAY JULY 3rd ABATE Local 6 Holds their regular monthly meeting in Kate Sessions Park in Pacific Beach, San Diego, at NOON. Plan your route to the meeting. Stay away from Route I-5 and the Del Mar Fair.
SUNDAY JULY 10TH ABATE LOCAL 11 (North County) holds their monthly meeting at the Oakvale Country Store at Lake Wholford , in Escondido ROAD HAZZARD - I-5 Freeway up by the Grapevine There has been some re-grooving of the I-5 Freeway up by the Grapevine and bad reports are coming back regarding car tires being cut up and motorcycle tires shredded by the grooves. Someone messed up big-time. and motorcycles are loosing their ability to steer correctly once the tires are damaged. It would be a good piece of road to stay off of, until things are repaired. Cal Trans has been notified as of this morning, at (916) 227 - 7000. I spoke to a man named Jose at Cal Trans in the area involved. He is aware of the road construction, said that the road is distressed and they are in the process of repaving that. Jose's phone number is ( 559 ) 488 - 4038. If anyone had damage done to a tire because of the construction conditions, the Cal Trans claims contact is : Jackie Reyes ( 559 ) 445 - 5358. They will repair this piece of contruction as soon as possible, but in the meantime be aware that route I-5 by the Grapevine is not in good shape. John
Del Santo This e-mail came through last month regarding a motor-cycle safety program that Allstate Insurance is working with in Illinois. I am in the process of contacting them to see what can be done in California. I will keep you updated as to my progress. Northbrook, Ill., Twenty-five cities are getting new traffic signs designed to bring awareness to motorcyclists on the road, thanks to Allstate. The national insurer will place cautionary signs at intersections in 25 major metropolitan areas to prompt drivers to look out for riders at intersections. According to Allstate, an average of three motorcyclists are killed every day at intersections in the U. S., and crash data reveal that motorcycle crashes happen more often in intersections than elsewhere, relative to the amount of time riders spend in them. The caution signs, which are yellow and diamond-shaped, feature a motorcycle silhouette and are inscribed with the word "LOOK" to encourage motorists to look for motorcycles before crossing an intersection. The signs, part of Allstate's "Once is Never Enough" program, are designed to increase awareness of motorcycle collisions with motorists in intersections and to help remind drivers and riders alike that looking once at intersections is never enough. John Del Santo LOCAL
On the first Sunday of the month we had the ABATE local 6 meeting in Kate Sessions Park in San Diego overlooking beautiful Mission Bay. We had a good showing of members, and quite a few visitors Wow ! can you imagine if ALL of our members showed up for the next meeting! Cmon Down ! President Steve Martin ran a good timely meeting, Legislative Officer John Del Santo shared current news on the Month of May showing of the Share the Road With Motorcycles messages that were posted on the Changeable Message Signs over the freeways and highways. The CHP also appeared on local TV news stations explaining what the intent of the signs were. Good Publicity. We reported on NHTSAS change to the FMVSS 218 helmet sticker rule ..They found another way to waste money. The nationwide rate on motorcycle fatalities went down again this year Good News ! All of our CMSP training and Share the Road publicity seems to be accomplishing our goal. California is doing even better than the nationwide numbers. When the US saw a 16 percent decrease from 2008 to 2009, California saw a 29 percent decrease. For the 9 months of 2010, California is showing a 15 percent decrease in motorcyclist fatalities compared to the same period in 2009. Douglas Findlay, our PAC REP reported on our campaign worker efforts, and the fact that Toni Atkins, the Assembly Whip, shows that she is solidly on our side because of our previous efforts for her friend Denise Ducheny and the campaign work that we did for Toni. Our Membership Coordinator Doc Robinson made a good report, Patty Wilber who is our Recording Secretary updated us on upcoming rides and events, and Safety Officer John Del Santo gave a good safety report. Our regular Sign Language Interpreter, Amy, was away this week, so Fran stood in for her. Our Treasurer Michael Decker updated us on our Bucks in the Bank. We received Liasion reports from Local 11, the HOG locals, 2 of our American Legion Rider Chapters, the Confederation of Clubs, the Repeal Machine, the CMSP, and the Brothers of the Third Wheel. Check out our Website at www.abatelocal6.org , our Webbie Joe Tatro has done a dynamite job there. We will meet again on the first Sunday of July at Noon .Hope to see you there ! Due to the fact that the ABATE State Office has been running really tight on operating funds, and the fact that we have gone for years without a membership rate raise, The Board of Directors voted to raise the single-membership rate to $40 per year and the Couple-membership to $60 per year. The single-Life rate remains at $450 and the couple-Life-rate remains at $650. The Annual rate for a Gold Business Member remains at $125. If a Member wants to be a Sustaining Member Couple or Single, it is $100.00 for the year.And for that price they would receive an individual copy of the Bailing Wire mailed to them in the U.S. Mail when they are hard-copy printed; A Separate listing in the BW under Sustaining Members; and on their membership card it will also have V.I.P. behind their name, to show/present when useful.
These new rates take effect on July 1, 2011. Local 6 Report for May 2011 What a great month we had ! Reading our membership roster was a pleasure.....we have renewals, a large amount of members are listed as "life members", and we have a bunch of Business Members, including Jim Brown who bought three of them ! Our meeting this month was full of good information, and it was another sunny day overlooking beautiful Mission Bay. Jim Brown bought out our supply of ABATE vest pins, and put them all in the pot for the 50/50 drawing.... Snowman won the 50/50 and donated the bucks back to the local 6 treasury. We discussed legislative and judicial matters and Tim Clark, Prez of local 11 wanted to make a bet with us that his local would have a bigger showing at the regional rally than our local would. He won that bet last year. Our PAC Rep Douglas Findlay was invited to speak in Oregon next weekend at their big rally at the capitol. To our members who did not make the meeting.....you missed a good one ! We missed you and hope to see you next month. Our monthly meetings happen at Kate Sessions Park in the Pacific Beach area of San Diego on the first Sunday of each month at Noon......C'mon Down ! John Del Santo AB 695 The Helmet law modification bill did not get enough votes to make it out of committee today. The Author has requested to have it brought up for consideration again in about a year. John Del Santo The Local 6 Spaghetti Dinner was a huge success ! There were many members
doing a bunch of work to make it run.....Fran and Nancy busted
their butts in the kitchen, The Graveyard Gamblers MC kept the
dining room operating smoothly, and John's spaghetti sauce was
a big hit. Moe Giacalone was the overall manager and coordinator
of the event and did a fantastic job. Way to go folks !
local 6 report for April 2011
It was a very good meeting this month for Local 6. The weather was great and there were no major ball games to draw members away. Welcome Aboard ! to our new Business Members.....The Graveyard Gamblers MC ! A bunch of their riders were at the meeting. Keith Lim gave an update on AB 695, and we discussed AB 1047, the MRF report about NHTSA"s intention to fund DOT compliant helmet use, and Representative Sensenbrenner's HR 904. John gave a reading of curent events all around the San Diego area, and Keith Lim won the 50/50 and donated it back into the PAC, Lobbyist fund and the State Office fund. Have you seen our website recently ? WOW ! Thanks to Joe Tatro our Webmaster, Take a look at our new classified section. Joe has really put a bunch of hours into this and it sure shows. Check it out at abatelocal6.org. One of the supporters and members of ABATE Local 6 received an honor last month, Because of the BoozeFighters MC work helping children with Christmas with Kids since 1971 and because they were honored as the 2009 Organization of the Year by the Irish Congress of Southern California, The Council of the City of San Diego on behalf of the people of San Diego proclaimed March 12, 2011 to be BoozeFighters Day in the City of SanDiego. Our meeting happens on the first Sunday of each month at noon, at Kate Sessions Park in Pacific Beach. Come on Down, Bring a friend ! You'll have a good time ! John
Del Santo
Updated CHP Ortega news RIVERSIDE (CBS) Taking an unsafe turn ? You better be prepared to pay up. The California Highway Patrol is set to launch a crackdown targeting traffic violations by motorcycle riders on the Ortega Highway in Riverside County, the CHP announced Monday. From April through the end of September, the CHPs Temecula office will ramp up patrols on a 33-mile stretch of state Route 74 to catch unsafe motorcyclists, according to Officer Ron Thatcher. A National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Motorcycle Safety Coalitions grant will provide the funds necessary for overtime and special operations geared to motorcycle riders, Thatcher said. CHP data from January 2007 to December 2008 indicate there were 75 motorcycle collisions from where the Ortega Highway begins in San Juan Capistrano to Green Avenue in southwest Riverside County. Twenty-five of the accidents resulted in injuries, and all were connected to speeding. Taking a turn too fast, a motorcyclist is likely to find himself in over his head, said Capt. Ernie Sanchez, commander of the agencys Temecula office. This stretch of highway demands concentration and caution on the part of the rider, he said. With this grant, were hoping to not only raise awareness and educate motorcyclists, but ultimately save lives and reduce the number of riders injured every year. The Temecula CHP will coordinate with local law enforcement agencies to conduct enforcement operations and advance public awareness efforts, according to Thatcher. One
of the supporters and members of ABATE Local 6 received an honor
last month.
Because of the BoozeFighters
MC work helping children with Christmas with Kids
since 1971 and that they continue to run this organization since
the passing of the founder, Frank King, and because they were
honored as the 2009 Organization of the Year by the
Irish Congress of Southern California, The Council of the
City of San Diego on behalf of the people of San Diego proclaimed
March 11, 2011 to be BoozeFighters Day in the City
of San Diego.
ABATE LOCAL 6 NEWS UPDATE FOR MARCH 2011 It was a great meeting overlooking beautiful Mission Bay in San Diego. There was a great crowd of members and visitors there. Our new President, Steve Martin did a great job of running an interesting and fast moving meeting. We had reports from our Officers and then discussed legislative and judicial news, includilng Assemblyman Norby's AB695. We passed out slips of paper with "Find your Legislature" links and links to all Assembly members. About a dozen members of Local 11 were there, and presented a beautiful plaque to John Del Santo for his past and continuing work for Motorcyclist Rights. One item that we discussed was in event someone gets a red-light-camera ticket, Don't just roll over and pay it...because they are being knocked down in Appelate Court. A red light ticket is up to $436. This subject is tiltled "What Part of STOP don't you Understand ?
John gave a Safety Report regarding the type of hazards involving sharing the road with amateurs driving u-rent-um moving-trucks. Our Events Coordinator, Moe Giacalone Our Liasions with other groups made their reports. We're going to have to inquire about a Liasion report from the American Legion Riders, as more and more of our members are now riding with them. We meet at Kate Sessions Park in the Pacific Beach part of San Diego on the first Sunday of each month at NOON. C'mon Down ! ACTION NEEDED- Helmet Law Repeal Bill
FIND YOUR LEGISLATOR http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/yourleg.html ASSEMBLY MEMBERS http://www.assembly.ca.gov/acs/acsframeset7text.htm HELMET LAW REPEAL BILL
695 Local
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