[ABATE Local 6 Elist] FW: [ABATE] AB 1047 Hearing Date Changed!
Nancy Nemecek
nemecek at san.rr.com
Tue May 8 00:07:57 PDT 2012
For those of you who are not on the ABATE discussion list, the forwarded
email below from Dave Walsh (ABATE PAC Liaison) is the latest on the bills
in progress Read it first please before continuing.
So based on this information, there is still time to write letters to the
Senate Trans Committee urging support of AB1047. We will do a support
letter from Local 6, but individual letters should also be sent, please.
And to help you prepare a letter, here's info that was created by the San
Diego COC Defenders' Program. No sense in reinventing the wheel. A sample
letter is attached. If you can only do a couple, please concentrate the
effort on DeSaulnier (Chair), plus Kehoe and Wyland (from San Diego). So
now you have the info you need, you just have to take the time to write the
letter(s) and mail or fax it.
AB 1047 - Assemblymember Jeffries bill to stop "Motorcycle Only"
* This bill is currently scheduled for hearing in the Senate
Transportation Committee on June 12 (rescheduled). We still need to get
letters, faxes and/or phone calls in support of this bill done ASAP.
* Email addresses for the individual Senate Transportation Committee
members are listed below -- However the websites only work if your zip code
is within their district.
* For example, since none of the committee members are in my district,
I faxed a letter to Chairman Mark DeSaulnier, with a copy to my State
Senator, Ron Huff. Snail mail works as well -- but it needs to get done
ASAP. The following link will help you locate your State Senator and
District: <>
* A sample letter is attached for your convenience - be certain to
sign the letter and provide your mailing address
If you prefer to call the committee chair and your senator, please refer to
the following talking points:
* You are calling to urge support of AB1047, which would prohibit the
use of "motorcycle-only" checkpoints
* Motorcycle-only checkpoints amount to profiling a group of citizens
operating a legal mode of transportation
* If the state of California is truly concerned with safety, all
vehicles should be pulled over at these checkpoints
* With limited resources, there are better ways to spend California
taxpayers' funds than on motorcycle-only checkpoints
Senate Transportation Committee Members
<http://senate.ca.gov/sd07> Senator Mark DeSaulnier (Chair) - (SD) State
Capitol, Rm 5035, Sacramento, CA 95814, Ph 916.651.4007 Fax
<http://senate.ca.gov/sd01> Senator Ted Gaines (Vice Chair) - (SD 1) State
Capitol, Rm 3056, Sacramento, CA 95814, Ph 916.651.4001, Fax 916.324.2680
<http://senate.ca.gov/sd35> Senator Tom Harman - (SD 35) State Capitol, Rm
5094, Sacramento, CA 95814, Ph 916.651.4035, Fax 916.445.9263
<http://senate.ca.gov/sd39> Senator Christine Kehoe - (SD 39) State
Capitol, Rm 5050, Sacramento, CA 95814, Ph 916.651.4039, Fax 916.327.2188
<http://senate.ca.gov/sd27> Senator Alan Lowenthal - (SD27) State Capitol,
Rm 2032, Sacramento, CA 95814, Ph 916.651.4027, Fax - 916.327.9113
<http://senate.ca.gov/sd23> Senator Fran Pavley - (SD 23) State Capitol,
Rm 4035, Sacramento, CA 95814, Ph 916.651.4023, Fax - 818.876.0802
<http://senate.ca.gov/sd16> Senator Michael Rubio - (SD 16) State Capitol,
Rm 2066, Sacramento, CA 95814, Ph 916.651.4016, Fax 916.327.5989
<http://senate.ca.gov/sd11> Senator Joe Simitian - (SD 11) State Capitol,
Rm 2080, Sacramento, CA 95814, Ph 916.651.4011, Fax 916.323.4529
<http://senate.ca.gov/sd38> Senator Mark Wyland - (SD 38) State Capitol, Rm
4048, Sacramento, CA 95814, Ph 916.651.4038, Fax 916.446.738
From: abate_ca at googlegroups.com [mailto:abate_ca at googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Dave Walsh
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 6:33 PM
To: abatepac at abate.org; abate_ca at googlegroups.com; 2012officers at abate.org
Subject: [ABATE] AB 1047 Hearing Date Changed!
AB 1047 (Jeffries) will not be heard tomorrow in the Senate Trans Committee.
It has been put over to be heard June 12th. This is TENTATIVE at this time.
Gary Haller noted on our Facebook page that the language has been amended
from banning using FEDERAL funding for Motorcycle Only checkpoints to
banning the checkpoints ALTOGETHER, no matter where the funding comes from.
This gives us a little more time to get more letters sent to the
Transportation Committee. Each Local should have sent a letter with their
Local information at the top as a letterhead. If you have a logo, add that
as well.
AB 1890 (Solorio) Transponder bill will also be heard in the Senate Trans
Committee sometime in June.
AB 1535 (Halderman) , the Motorcycles Okay in HOV lanes sign bill, as noted
before, is in the suspense file, and hopefully will be taken back up
sometime this month.
Dave Walsh
PAC Liaison
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